Rekindle with us

Consigner Q&A

What is your commission split?

We take 50% of final sale price of items under $200 and 40% of items over $200.

How and when do I get paid?

Payments will be made via digital check through our consignment platform, ConsignCloud. Once received through email, consignor’s will then have the option to print the check, or receive the payment via ACH. Payments will be made on the 3rd Monday of each month.

What happens to my clothes that don't sell?

Items with low to no resale value will be donated to The Shepherd’s Office, a local-based program for the homeless, hungry or lonely. For more information, please visit

What brands to you accept?

We source brands from contemporary to luxury items with minimal exclusions. Our goal is to offer quality pieces that cater to every style and every pocket.

 What kind of items do you accept?

We seek gently used or never been worn items that are able to find new life in someone else’s closet.

 How does it all work?

First, we collect your items via local drop off/pick up or you can ship to us. Next, our team examines each product to see if your items fall within our guidelines. After photographing, modeling, and determining fair pricing, we list your items for sale on our site. Once your item sells, stay on the lookout for an e-check from us!

How do you determine pricing?

We use the industry standard for pricing. Pricing depends on brand, style, condition, etc. The better condition your items are in, the more money you will make.